About Me


Hello World! Let me introduce myself. I’m Dwiki Nuri Dhuha from Indonesia & I’m Muslim – Football Fan – Computer Geek – Front End Developer – Back End Developer – Internet of Thinking Developer – Workaholic – Life Long Learner – Introvert. 👋

I have been operating a computer every day since I entered elementary school.

I really like learning from everyone about computers, especially in the fields of Hardware, Network, and Software Computer. I created this blog to document my learning so that if I forget, I can look for it on my personal blog or the references that I will include in every article I write.

My goal is very simple, namely to spend as much time as possible in front of the computer and create work that can be useful, whether for me personally or other people.

For the articles that I will write will be in Indonesian, if possible I will write them in English, because I am also learning English, so please understand if there are English articles that are not good and correct.

By the way, I provide free application creation and graphic design services for activities related to the Islamic religion or related to education, as long as I have the ability to do so. My goal is to contribute to the dissemination of useful knowledge and facilitate access to Islamic religion and education as a media asset for Jariyah charities. If you have a project or activity that requires support in the form of applications or graphic design, please do not hesitate to contact me. Let’s collaborate to create educational resources that can help people. 😊

Question and answer

Current Job
I work at a company called DataOn as a Frontend and the tech-stack uses Reactjs in javascript language, & Nextjs in typescript language. Sometimes I also have other work, such as creating websites which often use PHP Laravel, CodeIgniter, and WordPress. It's not uncommon for people to ask for help making designs that I use Canva, Illustration and Photoshop.
Just learning something related to computers. Especially in the fields of Hardware, Network, & Software Computer. 😊
I now live in Banguntapan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia